Inquiry into the sentencing of women
The APPG on Women in the Penal System’s 2018 Inquiry into the sentencing of women

Inquiry into the sentencing of women
In 2018, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) conducted an inquiry into the sentencing of women. The aims of this inquiry were two-fold: to reveal the issues around sentencing that inhibit the use of non-custodial solutions and to encourage and enable the magistracy to avoid sending women to prison.
The final report was launched at an APPG meeting with Edward Argar MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice, and is available to download here. The report recommended that prison sentences of less than 12 months should be abolished for women.
The APPG heard oral evidence from John Bache, the Chair of the Magistrates Association, and Dame Glenys Stacey, HM Chief Inspector of Probation. Minutes of these and other APPG meetings are available below.
The APPG also received written evidence from a wide range of groups and individuals, including charities, trade unions, academics and women’s centres. All of the written evidence was published on Friday 22 June 2018 and can be viewed below.
Written evidence:
- Agenda
- Laura Abbott, Senior Lecturer in Midwifery, University of Hertfordshire
- Lucy Baldwin, Senior Lecturer in Criminology, De Montfort University and Rona Epstein, Honorary Research Assistant, Coventry University
- Clinks
- Inquest
- Magistrates Association
- Dr Shona Minson, Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford
- Napo
- Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire
- Revolving Door Agency
- Scott Cowap JP, Chairman of the Greater Manchester Magistrates’ Bench Problem Solving Panel
- Willowdene Rehabilitation Centre
- Women in Prison
Minutes of APPG meetings held as part of the inquiry:
- Planning meeting for the APPG’s Inquiry into the sentencing of women – Tuesday 16 January 2018
- Evidence session with John Bache, Chair of the Magistrates Association – Tuesday 13 March 2018
- Evidence session with Dame Glenys Stacey, HM Chief Inspector of Probation – Monday 21 May 2018
- Meeting with Edward Argar MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice -Tuesday 30 October 2018
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