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Publications · Prisons, Young People

Children in Prison: An independent submission to United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child

An independent submission to United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child

  • Price: £5

  • ISBN: 978-0-903683-98-2

  • Pages: 12

  • Publisher: The Howard League for Penal Reform


Children in Prison: An independent submission to United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child Buy hard copy
(£5 + P&P)

An independent submission to United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child drawing on the Howard League’s expertise with regard to children in the criminal justice system and children in conflict with the law.

The Howard League for Penal Reform concludes that the UK government is not adhering to its obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, with regard to children in the criminal justice system in England and Wales.

The Howard League believes that the UK government needs to develop a coherent and co-ordinated policy towards all children, including those in the penal system.

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