The Howard League for Penal Reform publishes a range of books, reports and briefing papers, which can be ordered online. Most publications can be downloaded for free.
Life sentences for murder
NEW Those who are convicted of murder as children receive a particular type of life sentence called ‘detention at His Majesty’s Pleasure’. This guide explains how these sentences work.
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Sentence inflation: a judicial critique
The most senior former judges in England and Wales have called on the government to reverse the trend of imposing ever longer sentences, giving warning that radical solutions are needed to address the acute crisis in prisons.
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Making proper use of ‘proper prisons’?
This briefing, published by the University of Birmingham and the University of Bath, in partnership with the Howard League for Penal Reform, explores the need for a clear strategy on the role, purpose and future of Victorian prisons.
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Terminating your IPP licence: a legal guide
This legal guide explains when and how a person serving an IPP or DPP sentence can get their licence terminated.
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Grasping the nettle: Options for a lasting solution to the prison capacity crisis
Howard League steps forward with proposals for a lasting solution to the prison capacity crisis
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Your legal rights on remand
Developed in workshops with young adults in prison, a colourful guide aimed at 18- to 25-year-olds that may also be helpful to older adults on remand.
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What’s wrong with remanding young adults to prison
A guide for practitioners and policymakers, including the voices of remanded young adults aged 18 to 20 in a male Category B prison.
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Commission on Crime and Gambling Related Harms
The UK’s first-ever inquiry into crime linked to gambling draws to a close, with a final report that calls on the government, health bodies and criminal justice agencies to take a strategic approach to tackling the issue.
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