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Howard League Blog

Informal comment from our Chief Executive, Andrea Coomber KC (Hon.), and other contributors.

  • 23 May 2018
    Notes from Dame Glenys Stacey’s evidence to the APPG on Women in the Penal System

    The Howard League supports the All Party Parliamentary Group on Women in the Penal System (APPG), which has launched its Inquiry into the Sentencing of Women.  Read more

  • 14 May 2018
    Prisoner voting

    The Equalities and Human Rights Committee (EHRC) of the Scottish Parliament, a cross-party group, has published a report on prisoner voting. It sets out the ethical and some of the practical issues and reviews the evidence it gathered from a wide range of respondents. It is a positive contribution to a difficult debate.  Read more

  • 11 May 2018
    Making a difference in prison

    I have visited seven prisons in the last few weeks and have seen some good things going on. These have included private and public sector, locals and long-termers and women’s prisons.  Read more

  • 9 Apr 2018
    Brinsford – the story of just one prison

    “Emergency intervention to sort out failing prison!” The headline I have seen, or a version of it, year after year. I will tell the story of just one prison.  Read more

  • 19 Mar 2018
    Isolation in the snow

    While snow has laid a blanket over the country, children have enjoyed the experience. But not all children. Children in prison have been locked up in isolation, and refused permission to go out in the snow – even to touch it as they were escorted about the jail.  Read more

  • 13 Mar 2018
    How to stop mobile phones being smuggled into prisons

    The new justice secretary, David Gauke, has given his first speech on prisons. He focused on security, drugs and gangs and indicated that he would confront these scourges which, he suggested, were at the root of the problems faced in prisons.  Read more

  • 26 Feb 2018
    Animal magic in prison

    I visited a women’s prison last week and met a woman who had been inside many years. There is so much wrong with our sentencing structure, but the point of this blogpost is to look at what can be done to mitigate some of the cruelties of the system today, while we are campaigning for radical change.  Read more

  • 23 Feb 2018
    Words and labels, and why they matter

    I tweeted this morning about a sports report on BBC Radio 4's Today programme. The reporter talked repeatedly of the ‘girls’ in the Great Britain – yes, I know the country is the UK, but for some reason we get that wrong, too – curling team. I wondered if perhaps the team comprised children. It seems to happen in sport a lot. Men are called men, women are called girls.  Read more

  • 16 Feb 2018
    How the Howard League legal team battles hard to get young prisoners released on time

    The Times front page story today says that prisoners who are eligible for supervised release will be given the opportunity in greater numbers. This is to be welcomed. The Howard League legal team has battled hard to get young prisoners released on time and with support – it has been an uphill fight.  Read more

  • 14 Feb 2018
    Using participation and legal work to help a child get a home on release from prison

    We have been running sessions with children in custody on the concept of what ‘home’ means. After all, children in prisons are living there. And the Howard League legal team has worked with many hundreds of young people to help get them a home on release.  Read more

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