Conference speakers
Redesigning Justice: Promoting civil rights, trust and fairness conference was held on 21–22 March 2018 at Keble College, Oxford

Conference speakers
Andrea Albutt
President, Prison Governors Association
Andrea Albutt joined HM Prison Service in 1990 as a Prison Officer. Her career has been diverse working in old Victorian Locals, High Security, a Therapeutic Community, a modern Core Local, Open and Women’s Prisons. Andrea’s career has taken her through every operational grade.
She governed her first prison in 2004, which was HMP & YOI Low Newton, and followed this with HMP Swansea, HMP & YOI Eastwood Park and she governed HMP Bristol, She has a particular professional interest in women offenders and Andrea has been on the PGA NEC for just over 6 years.
Andrea was part of the WFM negotiations, Fair and Sustainable negotiations and last year was elected as a President of the Association.
Professor Sophie Body-Gendrot
Sorbonne University
Sophie Body-Gendrot is Emeritus Professor at University of Paris-Sorbonne, Researcher at CNRS-CESDIP, Co-editor of The Routledge Handbook of European Criminology.
Sophie Body-Gendrot took her PhD in 1984 at the Institut de Sciences Politiques, Paris. During her academic career she has been visiting scholar at various universities abroad, including: New York University, Institute of Public Knowledge; University of Tasmania, Hobarth; New York University, Center for European Studies; European Consortium, Rockefeller Fellowship; Nucleo de estudio de violencia, University of Sao Paulo; and University of Washington State, Center for European Studies.
Her interdisciplinary research focuses on the nature of urban violence, tensions and conflicts and modes of regulation in a cross-national perspective.
Her work includes: Globalization, Fear and Insecurity (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012); ‘Violence in the City:Challenges of Global Governance’ in M. Kaldor and J. Stiglitz eds, A New Global Covenant. New York, Columbia University Press, 2013; Violence in Europe (Springer 2007); The Social Control of Cities? (Blackwell, 2000).
Professor Danny Dorling
University of Oxford
Danny Dorling joined the School of Geography and the Environment in September 2013 to take up the Halford Mackinder Professorship in Geography. He was previously a professor of Geography at the University of Sheffield. He has also worked in Newcastle, Bristol, Leeds and New Zealand, went to university in Newcastle upon Tyne, and to school in Oxford.
Much of Danny’s work is available open access (see With a group of colleagues he helped create the website which shows who has most and least in the world. His work concerns issues of housing, health, employment, education, wealth and poverty. His recent books include, co-authored texts The Atlas of the Real World: Mapping the way we live and Bankrupt Britain: An atlas of social change.
Recent sole authored books include, So you think you know about Britain and Fair Play, both in 2011; in 2012 The No-nonsense Guide to Equality, The Visualization of Social Spatial Structure and The Population of the UK; Unequal Health, The 32 Stops and Population Ten Billion in 2013; All That is Solid in 2014; and Injustice: Why social inequalities persistrevised in 2015.
Professor Martine Herzog-Evans
University of Rheims
Professor Martine Evans (aka Herzog-Evans) (PhD) teaches law and criminology at Reims University, France. The main focus of her research is probation, prison, and supervision practitioners, with legitimacy of justice, therapeutic jurisprudence and desistance as theoretical compasses. She has published extensively ( Her latest books are, in French: Droit de l’exécution des peines, Dalloz, Paris, 2016, 5th ed. (Sentences’ implementation law); In English: French reentry courts and rehabilitation: Mister Jourdain of desistance, Paris, l’Harmattan, 2014 and (as editor), Offender release and supervision: The role of courts and the use of discretion, Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, 2015. She is a member of the European Society of Criminology and of the International Society for Therapeutic Jurisprudence. She regularly trains CJS practitioners (probation officers, re-entry and release judges and prison staff). She has participated in the U.E. COST Action ISE1106 ‘Offender Supervision in Europe’ and has consulted with the French National Assembly, the Senate, the law commission of the National Assembly, the National Human Rights Commission (Prime Minister’s services), and the French Prison Services and worked for the Council of Europe (as a co-redactor of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)12 of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning foreign prisoners). She has been an expert for the development of the Bobigny Drug Court, and has been the leading expert in the development of a treatment programme for violent extremists. She is currently co-developing a domestic violence treatment programme in Reims and Châlons en Champagne.
Professor Barry Goldson
University of Liverpool
Professor Goldson currently holds the Charles Booth Chair of Social Science having previously been Professor of Criminology and Social Policy. He is extensively published and he has presented papers at over 200 national and international conferences. In 2000 he founded ‘Youth Justice: An International Journal’ (Sage) after which he served as its Editor-in-Chief until 2015. Between 2006-14 he was a member of the Editorial Board of the ‘British Journal of Criminology’ (Oxford University Press) and he is currently a member of the Editorial Board of the ‘Howard Journal of Crime and Justice’ (Wiley).
He has been, and remains, an advisor/consultant to several major public bodies and/or research projects and he has provided expert evidence to a range of parliamentary committees, independent inquiries and international studies including: the United Nations Secretary General’s Study on Violence Against Children; the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Children; the Northern Ireland Assembly Justice Committee; Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons; the Offices of the Children’s Commissioner’s for both England and Wales; the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain; Lord Carlile’s independent inquiry into the treatment and conditions of children and young people in penal custody and further independent inquiries/reviews into youth justice law and policy in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
Professor Nicola Lacey
London School of Economics
Nicola Lacey is School Professor of Law, Gender and Social Policy, attached to the Departments of Law and Social Policy and to the Gender Institute. From 1998 to 2010 she held a Chair in Criminal Law and Legal Theory at LSE; she returned to LSE in 2013 after spending three years as Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, and Professor of Criminal Law and Legal Theory at the University of Oxford. She has held a number of visiting appointments, most recently at Harvard Law School. She is an Honorary Fellow of New College Oxford and of University College Oxford; a Fellow of the British Academy; and a member of the Board of Trustees of the British Museum. In 2011 she was awarded the Hans Sigrist Prize by the University of Bern for outstanding scholarship on the function of the rule of law in late modern societies and in 2017 she was awarded a CBE for services to Law, Justice and Gender Politics.
Professor Elena Larrauri
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona
Elena Larrauri is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona). She has been Fulbright scholar at the University of Santa Barbara, California, Alexander von Humboldt scholar at the University of Frankfurt and Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford, All Souls College (2013-14). She is also past President of the European Society of Criminology.
Professor Ian Loader
University of Oxford
Ian Loader is Professor of Criminology and Professorial Fellow of All Souls College. Ian arrived in Oxford in July 2005 having previously taught at Keele University and the University of Edinburgh, from where he also obtained his PhD in 1993. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts.
Ian is the author of six books, the most recent of which Public Criminology? was published by Routledge in 2010 (with Richard Sparks) and has been translated into Mandarin. He has also edited six volumes, including Justice and Penal Reform (with Barry Goldson, Steve Farrall and Anita Dockley, Routledge, 2016), Democratic Theory and Mass Incarceration (with Albert Dzur and Richard Sparks, Oxford UP, 2016) and The SAGE Handbook of Global Policing (with Ben Bradford, Bea Jauregui and Jonny Steinberg, 2016). Ian has also published theoretical and empirical papers on policing, private security, public sensibilities towards crime, penal policy and culture, the politics of crime control, and the public roles of criminology.
Ian is currently working on a project – termed A Better Politics of Crime – concerned with different dimensions of the relationship between crime control and democratic politics. He is Editor-in-Chief of the Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. He has previously served on the Editorial boards of the British Journal of Criminology and Theoretical Criminology.
Oliver Lodge
Director, Justice Value for Money, National Audit Office
Professor Tracey L. Meares
Yale University
Tracey L. Meares is the Walton Hale Hamilton Professor of Law and Founding Director of The Justice Collaboratory at Yale University. Before arriving at Yale, she was Max Pam Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Studies in Criminal Justice at the University of Chicago Law School. She was, at both The University of Chicago and Yale Law Schools, the first African American woman to be granted tenure. Before going into academia, Professor Meares held positions clerking for the Honorable Harlington Wood, Jr., of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit and as an Honors Program Trial Attorney in the Antitrust Division of the United States Department of Justice.
Professor Meares has worked extensively with the federal government, having served on the Committee on Law and Justice, a National Research Council Standing Committee of the National Academy of Sciences from 2004–2011. Additionally, she has served on two National Research Council Review Committees: one to review research on police policy and practices, which produced the book, Fairness and Effectiveness in Policing: The Evidence (2004, Skogan and Frydl, eds.) and another to review the National Institute of Justice, Strengthening the National Institute of Justice, (2010, Welford, Chemers and Schuck, eds). In November of 2010, Meares was named by Attorney General Eric Holder to sit on the Department of Justice’s newly-created Science Advisory Board. And in December 2014, President Obama named her as a member of his Task Force on 21st Century Policing.
Professor Fergus McNeill
University of Glasgow
Fergus McNeill is Professor of Criminology and Social Work at the University of Glasgow where he works in the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research and is Head of Sociology. Prior to becoming an academic in 1998, Fergus worked for a number of years in residential drug rehabilitation and as a criminal justice social worker.
His many research projects and publications have examined institutions, cultures and practices of punishment and rehabilitation – and questions about their reform. Most recently, his work has focused on the policy and practice implications of research evidence about the process of desistance from offending. He recently led an ESRC funded project, ‘Discovering Desistance’, which aims to develop the dialogue between academics, practitioners and ex-offenders about how criminal justice can better support people to leave crime behind. Currently, he is Chair of an EU funded research network on ‘Offender Supervision in Europe’ which involved about 100 researchers from across 21 jurisdictions.
He serves as Chair of the Scottish Advisory Panel on Offender Rehabilitation, and is a Trustee, Council or Board Member of several criminal justice charities including CLINKS, Faith in Throughcare, ‘Positive Prisons? Positive Futures…’, the Scottish Association for the Study of Offending and Vox Liminis.
Mauro Palma
Former President of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture
Mauro Palma, mathematician and doctor in law honoris causa, is the President of the Italian Independent Authority for the rights of persons deprived of liberty (Garante nazionale dei diritti delle persone private della libertà), appointed by the President of Republic, after the approval of the Italian Parliament. As this Authority was designated as the NPM under United Nations OPCAT, he is the Chair of the NPM.
In the context of the Council of Europe, he was the Chair of the Council for Penological Co-operation (2012–2015); during the years 2000–2011, he was member of the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and from 2007 to 2011 he was the President of the Committee.
Expert on criminal justice and prison systems, he founded Antigone, Italian non-governmental Association for the rights and guarantees in the context of deprivation of liberty, tasked to visit prisons and monitor detention conditions throughout the national territory. Currently he is the Honorary President of the Association.
From 1997 to 2015 he was member of the board of Directors of the Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani.
Lecturer at various Italian and international universities, he is member of the Scientific Committee of several national and international Foundations (inter alia, European Observatory on Fundamental Rights, Centre for Initiatives and Studies on the State Reform, ‘Italiani-Europei’ Foundation) and member of the Board of scientific reviews on prisons and penal system (inter alia, Dei delitti e delle pene, Studi sulla questione criminale, Questione giustizia). In this context he published a number of articles and essays.
Alison Saunders
Director of Public Prosecutions
Alison Saunders, a barrister, joined the CPS in 1986, the year of its formation. She spent her early career prosecuting in CPS London South. In 1991 she moved to the CPS Policy Directorate, rejoining CPS London in 1997 and being promoted to Assistant Chief Crown Prosecutor in 1999.
Later that year, Alison became Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS Sussex and held the post until 2003, when she left to serve as Deputy Legal Advisor to the Attorney General. She re-joined the CPS two years later, to establish and head the Organised Crime Division (OCD), dealing exclusively with cases from the Serious Organised Crime Agency and Child Exploitation Online Protection Centre.
In December 2009, Alison was appointed Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London, a post that she held until she became Director of Public Prosecutions on 1 November 2013. She is the first DPP to be appointed from within the CPS.
Gary Younge
Author, broadcaster and editor-at-large for The Guardian
Gary Younge is an author, broadcaster and editor-at-large for The Guardian, based in London. He also writes a monthly column, Beneath the Radar, for the Nation magazine and is the Alfred Knobler Fellow for The Nation Institute. He has written five books: Another Day in the Death of America, A Chronicle of Ten Short Lives; The Speech, The Story Behind Martin Luther King’s Dream; Who Are We?, And Should it Matter in the 21st century; Stranger in a Strange Land, Travels in the Disunited States and No Place Like Home, A Black Briton’s Journey Through the Deep South. He has made several radio and television documentaries on subjects ranging from gay marriage to Brexit.
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